Demo Corp

Give your friends and family a meaningful gift with a Demo Corp gift card  – this is an example flow of how Cardivo gift cards work.

You can add any description here when setting up your own account and you can add your own custom designs too 🎨 Please use real working emails below to ensure you get the gift card email as well as the sender confirmation emails.

💳 Test card details 💳
You can use this test card number 4242 4242 4242 4242 on the next page with any expiry date in the future and any CVV. For any questions, please reach out via the chat icon or email [email protected].

Here’s an example of the email they’ll get. You’ll see a live preview on the next page.
  • We’ll personalize it with the recipient’s name and the amount you choose below

    Jed Bartlett
    Gift card number will show here
    Liz Lemon
    Gift card number will show here
    April Ludgate
    Gift card number will show here
    Saul Goodman
    Gift card number will show here
    Claudia Jean Cregg
    Gift card number will show here
    Omar Little
    Gift card number will show here
  • Choose the currency you'd like to buy the gift card in

  • Enter the recipient’s details below. Here’s how we’ll display them in the email.

  • Amounts are in AUD. Your recipient will get the full amount.

  • If you choose today, they’ll get it in about 15 minutes.

  • Enter your details below. We’ll send you a receipt now and a confirmation once it’s been delivered.

You’ll see a final preview and pay on the next page

Your data is processed securely using SSL and AES-256 encryption. We use Cardivo to securely manage gift cards.